The trending "If I text you" meme has people (sometimes hilariously) explaining what their favorite emojis mean. Here are some of our fave examples.
The iPhone has a built in emoji database of some 2,000 different characters that people use to spice up their text conversations. You could call it a modern-day form of hieroglyphics, and they're just fun to use. However, not everyone uses emojis the same way. Different context and situations can sometimes even alter the intended meaning of the emoji. Which is the basis of the "If I text you" meme.
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The heart of the "If I text you meme" lies in everyone's individual emoji usage.
For example, take the "thumbs up" character. If you're making plans with somebody and they text you that they'll be ready by 6:45 to get picked up and go to a movie, you can react to that by simply replying back with a thumbs-up emoji. If someone asks you what your favorite finger is, this emoji is also appropriate.
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However, if you're upset that your significant other hasn't reached out to you in a while and they start texting you with some type of excuse as to why they didn't and you're still angry with them, you might send a passive-aggressive thumbs-up emoji in order to signify that you aren't exactly thrilled with your current relationship dynamic.
The latest meme trend has folks coming up with some of their favorite jokes and references that highlights their own emoji usage and practices.
Like this 'Emperor's New Groove' reference.
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Some folks reference their favorite songs.
OMG I can hear this in my head.
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It could be a reference to an incredible sketch.
Others, the Jersey Shore.
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Pennywise the Clown would be proud of this one. Or you could text 99 of them.
Phil Collins' 'Tarzan' soundtrack goes THAT hard.
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Even known pro athletes are getting in on it.
Some are quite specific/explicit.
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Some underplay our truest emotions.
This is from New Jersey's official government account.
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At least they gave fair warning.
Guitars always have been very versatile instruments.
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Oh man...
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It's always the ones with the awful mics.
Does Arby's count?
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For those who know, know.
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Lemurs don't get enough love.
"Baby, I'll get a mound of dirt and put it in the nicest glass enclosure and I'd take care of you forever."
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Hear that, egg-head?!
I thought you wanted to go bowling?!
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I thought that was an otter for a second.
Very important for the impending vampire human war.
It's not surprising that this meme caught on: over 10 billion emojis are sent each and every day, with 92% of smartphone/online users implementing the short-hand form of communication in their regular written communication. What are some of your favorite emojis and their hidden meanings?